============================================== Airfix Dogfighter, Demo version - Readme.txt ============================================== Index ===== 1.0 Controls 1.1 In-game controls 2.0 Troubleshooting 2.1 Graphic related 2.2 Sound related 2.3 Input controllers (Keyboard, Joystick and Mouse) 3.0 Known bugs 3.1 Taskswitching 3.2 Graphic cards 4.0 Un-installing 5.0 Contact information 1.0 Controls ============ 1.1 In-game controls -------------------- D - Increase thrust C - Decrease thrust Left - Bank left Right - Bank right Up - Pitch down Down - Pitch up Space - Fire machineguns Z - Fire secondary weapon Keypad 0 - Next weapon 1 - Use Cannon 2 - Use Rockets 3 - Use Bombs 4 - Use Tesla Coil 5 - Use Particle Beam 6 - Use Homing Missile 7 - Use Paramines 8 - Use A-Bomb F1 - Change camera view LShift - Rear view ESC - Menu TAB - Mission info / Multiplayer info P - Toggle Paus PrintScreen - Take screenshot Images will be saved in the "\screenshots" folder. (I.e. "c:\Program Files\Paradox\Airfix Dogfighter DEMO\Screenshots") 2.0 Troubleshooting =================== P = Problem S = Solution(s) 2.1 Graphic related ------------------- P: My Voodoo card is displaying a garbled mouse cursor and some textures seem to be disappearing. S: This is known to happen using some Voodoo1/2/3 Direct3D drivers. When using a Voodoo card it is strongly recommended to use the Glide driver. It will provide with the best performance and stability. Select the driver "3DFX (Glide2.x) ( gt3DFX.dll )" when starting up Airfix Dogfighter. P: I have a Voodoo (1/2/3) graphic card, but I'm unable to select the Glide driver when starting Airfix Dogfighter. S: You have to install the Glide drivers supplied with your graphic card to be able to use the game Glide driver. 2.2 Sound related ----------------- P: The game performance is low when playing sounds, or some sounds seem to be missing.. S: Update your sound drivers. A 100% DirectX 7 compatible driver is required. If this doesn't help, or you already have the latest drivers, try selecting another sound mode when starting Airfix Dogfighter. P: No music is played. S: The Airfix Dogfighter CD-ROM must be present in your CD-ROM drive to be able to play the music. If the CD-ROM is present and you still don’t hear any music check the windows volume control. The CD Audio might be muted, or set at a very low volume. 2.3 Input controllers (Keyboard, Joystick and Mouse) ---------------------------------------------------- P: The aircraft controls seem to reset after a few seconds making it hard to steer. S: This is caused by a connected joystick which might not be correctly calibrated. Turn off joystick input in the Options menu. P: My joystick doesn't seem to work. S: Enter the Options menu by clicking on the books in the Main menu and enable joystick input. P: My joystick isn't correctly calibrated and there doesn't seem to be such an option. S: Airfix Dogfigther uses the DirectInput interface, which has it's own joystick setup/callibration menu. This can be accessed from: "Control Panel->Game Controllers->Properties" 3.0 Known bugs ============== 3.1 Task switching ------------------ Taskswitching, also known as "Alt-Tabbing", is NOT recommended while running Airfix Dogfighter. Depending on which operating system and graphic adapter are being used graphical errors may occur and/or the game might become unstable. 3.2 Graphic cards ----------------- Some ATI Rage cards may display visible texture edges and lack the abililty to display transparent polygons correctly. This might be possibly to remedy by installing the latest drivers. The 3DFX Voodoo card series work best under the Glide driver, which is strongly recommended to use. You might experience texture glitches using the Direct3D driver. Some laptops using Neo Magic cards have problems starting the game. This might be possibly to remedy by installing the latest drivers. 4.0 Un-installing ================= In order to uninstall Airfix Dogfighter, access "Control Panel->Add/Remove Programs". Select Airfix Dogfighter and follow the given instructions. This will NOT remove any saved Pilots or created Dogfight levels. 5.0 Contact information ======================= More information about Airfix Dogfighter can be found at these dedicated sites: http://www.dogfighter.net/ http://dogfighter.uds.se/ Questions regarding this product can be relayed through these channels: Paradox Entertainment dogfighter@paradoxplaza.com http://www.paradoxplaza.com/ Unique Development Studios dogfighter@uds.se http://www.uds.se/ Vision Park http://www.visionpark.com/